Dining Dollars Well Spent: A Love Letter to Poke Station

In a humble spot along the noisy and chaotic Huntington Avenue rests, in my opinion, the gem of Northeastern- The Poke Station. Despite its unassuming size and appearance, The Poke Station is bursting with flavors and opportunities for everyone’s taste buds. As a formerly picky eater myself, I can vouch for the breadth and overall fantastic experience that is this dining pit stop.

It was after a devastating stint in Ell Hall for an 8am class my first semester that I discovered it. Weary of the crowds that Curry hosted, yet starving, I went in search of something new to fill my grumbling stomach. Though poke is in no means a traditional breakfast or midafternoon meal, upon seeing the worn red sign, I couldn’t refuse my instincts. As I stepped inside, I was immediately overwhelmed by the menu- there were too many options for my tired brain to pick from. But, I quickly found the phrase that changed it all- “make your own”.

Feeling powerful, with a plethora of grains, fish, and toppings to choose from, I began crafting my very first masterpiece. Brown rice, half spicy tuna, half spicy salmon, edamame, avocado, mango, seaweed salad, kimchi, and a spicy mayo/soy sauce mix to top it off. My hands practically shook with anticipation as I thanked the cashier and headed back to Krenztman to try my creation. 

I sat on the stone platforms outside of Ell and dug in, thus changing my life. It was like the scene in Ratatouille, where Remy tries the cheese and strawberry together and starts seeing colors. The flavors of what I had expertly curated complimented each other in a way that’s nearly indescribable. It’s safe to say that I rapidly finished my bowl… and made it a habit to drop by The Poke Station nearly every chance I had.

It’s important to note that The Poke Station takes dining dollars, making my first year ventures simple. As a third year student who's been without a meal plan for two years now, I miss the days of handing over my Husky ID in exchange for a bowl that outmatches any other food on campus, or even near it. However, while I don’t have the gift of dining dollars on hand anymore, writing this blog has reminded me of the excellence of The Poke Station, a place I will definitely be visiting this afternoon.


Living Off-Campus FAQ: Answered by a Husky